WTSF is US Federal proof non-profit Organization


Video Demonstration Contributors:
Medical Tai Chi Course Founder: Master Shudong Li
Course Professor: Huijun Z. Ring
Dr. Zhan Ping,
Tai Chi Athletes: Ethan Zhu, and Michelle Ahi

The competition organizing committee will collaborate with international health and wellness expert, Professor Hu Xiaofei, a doctoral advisor at Beijing Sport University, to incorporate his advocated Daoyin health-preserving exercises into the competition events, further promoting the deep integration of Wushu competitions with public health lifestyles.

Course Director: Professor Hui-Jun Zhou, Guest Speaker: Master Shudong Li, Demonstration by Ethan Zhu, Assisted by Dr. Zhan Ping.

Since its inception in 2010, the 17th Golden State International Wushu Championships has been dedicated to promoting and developing Wushu culture worldwide. It has now become one of the most influential international Wushu competitions. The event encompasses various categories, including traditional Wushu, modern Wushu, Tai Chi, and Health Qigong, bringing together diverse martial arts styles from both northern and southern schools to fully showcase the rich charm and technical essence of Wushu.

At the invitation of Yunnan Minzu University, Master Shudong Li visited the university from November 1 to 3 and conducted academic lectures. During his visit, Master Li was warmly welcomed by university leaders, including President Ruan Chaoqi, Deputy President Liu Qingjiang, Vice President Yin Shitang, Vice President Shao Weiqing, as well as Dean Wang Xiaoxue and Dean Yang Xiangquan of the Tai Chi and Yoga College…

On October 31, 2024, the 15-day China-US Youth Wushu Elite (Shaolin) Training Camp successfully concluded at the Epo Wushu School in Dengfeng, Henan Province. The event was jointly organized by the Chinese Wushu Association and the United States of American Wushu-Kungfu Federation. Through participation in the International Shaolin Martial Arts Festival and the training camp.

At the invitation of Professor Beverley Kane from the Stanford University School of Medicine, Master Shudong Li led a special session of Stanford’s Medical Tai Chi course on October 9 in Roble Hall, which was met with an enthusiastic response. Nearly 30 students and faculty members attended in person, while approximately 70 more joined via Zoom.

The results of the 14th Pan American Wushu Championships and the 1st Pan American Wushu Open Tournament, along with the competition program book, have been released.

On September 2, 2024, the 14th Pan-American Wushu Championships and the 1st Pan-American Wushu Open successfully concluded at the Santa Clara International Convention Center in Silicon Valley, USA. The results of the competitions have been officially announced, along with a collection of “Highlights of the Event,” marking a new chapter in the flourishing development of Chinese martial arts in the United States and across the Pan-American region. 
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Master Li Shudong was invited to teach Tai Chi Chuan to the Stanford Executive Program (SEP).​

On July 19th, WTSF Stanford Report

At the invitation of the Stanford Executive Program (SEP), Master Li Shudong, a prominent representative and well-known Master of Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan in the United States, taught traditional Tai Chi Chuan internal cultivation techniques, Tai Chi Yin-Yang theory, and practical experience courses to industry leaders and executives from around the world at Stanford University.

The “Third Taiji Science Forum and World Taiji

Intangible Cultural Heritage Masters Exhibition,”

jointly organized by the World Taiji Science Federation and Henan Polytechnic University, concluded successfully last weekend. 

IWUF Vice President Walt MISSINGHAM and Dr. Shudong Li Presenting awards to the gold, silver, and bronze medalists of the 16th World Wushu Championships Taiji Sword competition.​

On November 18th at 5:50 AM Beijing time, in the just-concluded 16th World Wushu Championships Women’s Tai Chi Sword competition, Dai Dandan from the Chinese team won the championship with a score of 9.826, while Malaysia’s Sy Xuan Sydney secured second place with a score of 9.776. IWUF Vice President Walt MISSINGHAM and WTSF executive president, Vice President of USAWKF Dr. Shudong Li Presenting awards to the gold, silver, and bronze medalists of the 16th World Wushu Championships Taiji Sword competition.

Dai Dandan from the Chinese team won the 16th World Wushu championship Taiji Sword Championship with a score of 9.826

IWUF Vice President Walt MISSINGHAM and Dr. Shudong Li Presenting awards to the gold, silver, and bronze medalists of the 16th World Wushu Championships Taiji Sword competition.

2023 Taiji & Qigong as Whole Person Health Conference was a complete success

On September 20, 2023, the inaugural “Taiji and Qigong Science for Whole Person Health Conference” concluded successfully at the Mass General Brigham Conference Center located in Assembly Row. Nearly 300 experts, professors, researchers, and professionals from 12 countries participated in this international gathering dedicated to the science of Taiji and Qigong. The conference was organized by the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Harvard University and received sponsorship and support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and the National Institute on Aging. The conference was co-chaired by Dr. Peter Wayne, Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Harvard University, and Dr. Gloria Yeh, Director of the Research Center.

Exploring the Scientific Development Path of Taiji and Health Qigong - Successful Conclusion of the 2023 Silicon Valley Health Forum

“Silicon Valley, September 15, 2023 – The ‘2023 Silicon Valley Health Forum,’ organized by the World Taiji Science Federation, successfully concluded. The one-day event focused on Taiji (Tai Chi) and Health Qigong, featuring a series of important presentations and lively discussions on topics such as sharing research findings in healthcare, exploring scientific research methods, examining international development pathways, and assessing and discussing essential elements in international accreditation and industry standards for Taiji and Health Qigong.”

The grand tournament successfully brought together nearly 1,800 athletes from 71 teams representing 15 different countries. A total of 150 individual events were contested across 12 age groups for both men and women, making for a grand total of 3,756 individual performances. Additionally, 220 athletes who scored 8 points or higher, or who finished in the top three in their respective events, have been successfully selected to join the USAWKF (United States of America Wushu-Kungfu Federation) National Kungfu Team. These athletes will have the opportunity to participate in Pan-American and World Traditional Wushu Championships.

*The collective and individual competition results, including both in-person events and virtual competitions, can be checked in individual or team registered accounts. E-certificates can be downloaded from the registered accounts. For athletes who participated in virtual competitions or missed the medal collection, please go to Kungfudirect.com and search for ‘2023’ to arrange for medal shipment.”

An intriguing and latest research on the historical investigation of Taijiquan - published in the Journal of Taiji Science(JTS).

On July 9, 2023, an article titled “Unraveling the Mystery Surrounding the Origins of Taijiquan by New Historical Materials in Tang Village, China” was published in the “Journal of Taiji Science” (太极科学期刊). The article was co-authored by Zhu Dianrong, Li Deyin, Li Libing, and Wei Meizhi. Spanning 27 pages in English, the article provides a detailed account, supported by illustrations, of the research on the origins of Taijiquan through newly discovered historical materials, such as the “Li Family Genealogy,” Taiji “Quanpu,” and “Thirteen-Posture Boxing Manual.” It also includes the first-ever public release of numerous valuable artifact photographs.

Author's Introduction

Introduction to the Authors of the article “Unraveling the Mystery Surrounding the Origins of Taijiquan by New Historical Materials in Tang Village, China”

T. Julian Chu’s Introduction:

Leader of the Washington D.C. Cheng Man-Ching style Taijiquan enthusiasts’ group and Taiji martial arts research scholar.  He has been teaching Cheng Man-Ching style Taijiquan, traditional Yang-style Taiji sword, saber, spear, and pushing hands for over 40 years.  He served as the National Program Manager with the U.S. Army Engineering before retirement.  He has been teaching Taijiquan, and regularly organizing Taijiquan seminars and routine push hands activities.  Moreover, he has published over 50 scientific and engineering articles including many Taijiquan articles being featured in the Taijiquan Journal of Taiwan, as well as Journals of Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Taiji Science, Martial Arts Anthropology, and other magazines in U.S. and Europe.

Li Deyin’s Introduction:

Mr. Li Deyin is a retired professor from Renmin University of China in Beijing.  He comes from a martial arts family and is skilled in Shaolinquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Wudang Sword.  He served as a professor and director of the Sports Department at Renmin University of China, as well as a member of the Academic Committee of the university.  He has been honored with the ninth-level rank in Chinese martial arts, recognized as one of the top one hundred martial artists in China, and has also served as an international martial arts referee.  He was named the most influential figure in martial arts in the past thirty years by the magazine “Chinese Martial Arts.”  After retirement, he is still actively engaged in the promotion of Taijiquan.

Li Libing’s Introduction:

Mr. Li Libing is a native of Tang Village, Bo’ai County, Henan Province, China and comes from a family with a background in both literature and martial arts.”  He is known for his discovery of Li Family Genealogy and Tang Village’s martial arts manuals.  He held various positions including school district principal, member of the township party committee organization, secretary of the township disciplinary committee, deputy secretary of the provincial farm disciplinary committee, secretary of a state-owned enterprise in the city, and member of the county political consultative conference.  After retirement, he served as a council member and vice president of the China Ming History Li Yan Research Association.  He also held the position of level-one coach for societal sports, martial arts, and Taijiquan in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province.  He was a council member of the Jiaozuo City Taijiquan Research Association and served as the executive vice chairman and honorary chairman of the Bo’ai County Martial Arts Association.

Wei Meizhi’s Introduction:

Mr. Wei Meizhi is a scholar specializing in historical and martial arts culture research in Bo’ai County, Henan Province, China.  He is a member of the Henan Writers Association and the Henan Calligraphers Association.  He held positions as the head of the County Finance Bureau and the Office Supervisor of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and was engaged in cultural promotion and news reporting.  After retirement, he frequently contributed articles on communication, news, and prose to local newspapers and published historical and martial arts articles in dozens of magazines.  He has also published five books, including “Thousand-Year Temple, Yuexiashan Temple, and Chinese Internal Martial Arts.”

2023 Golden State International Wushu Championships Medal Design Released!


The 2023 Golden State International Wushu Championships and USA National Kung Fu Team Trials recently unveiled the medal design for this year’s competition. The design is based on a dragon motif, with the central area incorporating a dynamically transformed “” character representing Wushu. It also incorporates elements of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge on the back. The unique design of the dragon encircling the Golden Gate Bridge conveys the spirit and power of Wushu while showcasing the significant role of the San Francisco Bay Area in the development of martial arts. 

2023 Taiji & Qigong Conference for Whole-Person Health

Host: Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham Women’s Hospital
Format: Presentations/Poster Exhibition/Panel Discussions (Organizing Committee and international guests) and University Visits
Date: September 18th to 19th, 2023
Venue: Mass General Brigham 399 Revolution Dr, Somerville, MA 02145
Chair of Organizers: Dr. Peter Wayne and Dr. Gloria Yeh

The WTSF team was invited to organize an international delegation to participate in this grand event.

The 2nd International Taiji Science Forum and World Intangible Cultural Heritage Taiji Masters Exhibition  ​

This event was hosted by the “World Taiji Science Federation” and is a large-scale international Taiji Science forum organized by Inner Mongolia normal university and co-organized by the “University of Illinois-Champagne,” “Hangzhou Normal University,” “World Taijiquan Net Inc.” Distinguished guests such as members of the International Olympic Committee, deans and academicians of internationally renowned colleges and universities, Chinese 9th Dan martial arts grandmasters (the highest level ranking for Chinese Martial arts), inheritors of Taiji from various genres, and Taiji world champions were presented together. Lecturers and performance guests came from 35 well-known universities in 9 countries and regions, including China, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, etc. With nearly eighty experts, scholars, and Taiji intangible cultural heritage inheritors’ participation, it is a major event in International Taiji science.

Master Shudong Li -Stanford University Medical Taiji course will be open to the public.

On the afternoon of October 12th, at the New Guinea Sculpture Garden of the Stanford University, Master Shudong Li and freshman of Stanford Judy Liu, gave a wonderful Taijiquan and sword demonstration to students who participated in the Stanford medical Taiji course…..

The largest international Wushu competition in the United States ended successfully!

The WTSF 2022 Golden State International Wushu Championships and USAWKF National Kung Fu Team Trials ended successfully at 11:00 p.m. on September 4th. This competition is a large-scale international Wushu competition Hosted by the World Taiji Science Federation (WTSF) and sanctioned by the United States of America Wushu-Kungfu Federation, Inc. (USAWKF). Kung Fu and Wushu teams from 20 countries and regions participated in both In-Person and online competitions. The total number of participating athletes was more than 1,700 athletes, and more than 3,000 athletes, team leaders, coaches, parents, and spectators participated in the in-person Competition at James Logan High School in Union City California. This event has come to known as the largest competition in the United States of America.

2022 WTSF Golden State International Championships Welcome Banquet

The welcome banquet for the 2022 WTSF Golden State International Wushu Championships & USAWKF National Kungfu Team Trials was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Union City on September 3, 2022. Team leaders, Team coaches, referees, and surrounding local Government officials around 120 people attended…

Mayor of Santa Clara Lisa Gilmore presented a congratulatory letter to the host Dr. Li Shudong at the welcome banquet…

2022 Golden State International Wushu Championships & USAWKF Kungfu Team Trials News

The 2022 Golden State International Wushu Championships & USAWKF Kungfu Team Trials, hosted by World Taiji Science Federation (WTSF) and sponsored by KungFuDirect registration has ended. The number of participants in this year’s competition exceeded expectations, with more than 1,200 In-person and nearly 600 online participants. The total number of participating athletes has exceeded 1,700. “Golden State International Wushu Championships” has become the largest Chinese martial arts event in the United States.

Press Conference on the publication of “Journal of Taiji Science”, and the 2nd International Taiji Science Forum & World Taiji Masters Exhibition

At 6:00 p.m. July 9th, the press conference on the publication and distribution of the Journal of Taiji Science (JTS), and “Second International Taiji Science Forum and the World Taiji Masters Exhibition” has been held in the conference hall of the California University Silicon Valley and through zoom meeting online. News conference was Hosted by Taiji Science Federation (WTSF) and Co-hosted by Inner Mongolia Normal University and supported by University of Illinois -Champaign; Hangzhou Normal University; World Taijiquan network; Five Branches University; University of California Silicon Valley. Forum Organization committee deputy secretary general Dr. Lingling yu, Dr. Xin Xue; Dr. Yiyin Ding and Tim Tan presided over the press conference.

World Taiji Science Federation, Harvard Medical School, and Hokkaido University in Japan, participate in the Traditional Sports and Wellness Forum, hosted by Beijing Sports​

On June 26, 2022 (PST), at the invitation of Beijing Sports University, Dr. Peter M. Wayne and Dr. Gloria Yeh of Harvard Medical School; Prof. Yoshinoro Otsuka, Hokkaido University; Secretary General of World Taiji Science Federation, Dr. Shudong Li, the founder of the Stanford university’s “Medical Taiji”; Professor Xiaojun Wang, director of the Traditional Sports Health Research Center of Beijing Sports University, and five guest speakers participated in the “First International Forum on Traditional Sports Health and Wellness” hosted by Beijing Sports University.

June 22, 2021

Talking about Taiji Dr. Shudong Li ‘s ” lecture on International Yoga Day and China-India People-to-People Exchange Forum in 2022″

On June 21, on the occasion of the eighth International Yoga Day, the 2022 International Yoga Day and China-India People-to-People Exchange series of activities were held in the form of “online + offline” at the International Communication Center of South Asia and Southeast Asia in Yunnan Province.

December 7, 2021
First “International Taiji Science Forum and World Intangible Cultural Heritage Taiji Masters Exhibition

This event was hosted by the “Taiji Science Federation” and is a large-scale international forum co-hosted by the “University of Illinois-Champagne”, “Hangzhou Normal University” and “World Taijiquan Website”. Distinguished guests such as members of the International Olympic Committee, deans and academicians of internationally renowned colleges and universities, five Chinese 9th Duan martial arts grandmasters, inheritors of Taiji from various genres, and Taiji world champions was presented together. Lecturers and performance guests came from 32 well-known universities in 20 countries and regions that include China, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, etc. With nearly a hundred experts, scholars, and Taiji intangible cultural heritage inheritors’ participation, it is a major event in the field of International Taiji science.

September 20, 2021
The press conference of the “First International Taiji Science Online Forum and World Taiji Intangible Cultural Heritage Online Masters Exhibition” was successfully held online.

September 18thOn the morning of September 18th (Beijing time), 2021, the press conference of the “First International Taiji Science Online Forum and World Intangible Cultural Heritage Taiji Masters Online Exhibition” was successfully held online and was steam live worldwide, which is hosted by the Taiji Science Federation, co-hosted by the University of Illinois-Champaign, Hangzhou Normal University and World Taijiquan Net. also supported by Five Branch University (California), and American Association of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture (AACMA), US Collegiate Taiji Federation, etc.

August 21, 2021
2021 International Taiji Kungfu Online tournament “Online Wushu Popularity Award” Result.

Among the top 30 athletes ranked in online voting, the competition organizing committee selected the following participating athletes who win the ” Online Wushu Popularity Award” of this event by referring to factors such as online voting and Event categories.  They are: Chen, Meiying (Malaysia) Won 132,263 votes in the Tai Chi event; Karim Ait Zerrouk (Algeria) received 8410 votes in the Tai Chi Weapon event; Li-Chieh Wang (USA) received 115,315 votes in the traditional Kungfu event; Eugene Ho (USA) received traditional Kungfu Weapon event Won 91620; Randolph Liao (USA) won 89309 votes in contemporary wushu weapon event. The contemporary wushu Hand form event has no athletes in the top 30 vote. So, there is no selection…

July 8th, 2021

Total 953 athletes from 22 countries and 62 teams signed up the 2021 International Taiji Kungfu online Tournament.

International Wushu Teams including the United States, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Algeria, Bermuda, New Zealand, Ecuador, Spain, Belgium, Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Egypt, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Australia 953 athletes from 62 teams from 22 countries and regions such as Japan signed up to participate in this online martial arts event. 

December 20, 2020

Taijiquan Inscribed in 2020 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

On December 17, 2020, it was announced that Taijiquan has been included in The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), indicating the good health value and profound cultural heritage of traditional Taiji is gradually accepted by the people of the world.

December 9, 2019

The 4th International Integrative Medicine Conference and Silicon Valley Chinese Medicine and Wellness Innovation and Venture Forum successfully concluded

From December 7th to 8th, 2019, the “Fourth International Integrative Medicine Conference and Silicon Valley Chinese Medicine and Wellness Innovation and Venture Forum” was successfully held for two consecutive days at the University of East-West Medicine and Stanford University in Silicon Valley, California. The event is based on the Topic of “Integrating Eastern and Western Sciences to Create Future Medicine.” Experts and scholars of Chinese and Western medicine from China, the United States, Canada, Germany…