Mariella Brayton is a fourth-year high school student at Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon, USA. She has been training with Master Gao Jiamin at the US Wushu Center for twelve years and has competed both nationally and internationally. As the president of her high school wushu club, she is influential in promoting the influence of Taichi and Chinese culture in her community. Mariella specializes in Yang style and Wu style taiji forms, as well as Emei daggers and chaquan.
As a member of the USA Kung Fu Team, she traveled to Emeishan, China three times for the 7th, 8th and 9th World Kung Fu Championships, winning two gold medals in 2023 with Wu style taijiquan and Emei daggers. In total, she has won over 50 gold, silver, bronze medals at USA regional and national championships. In 2023, she won the Tai Ji All Around Grand Champion at the Golden State International Wushu Championships.
Mariella plans on continuing her training of wushu and taiji in college and beyond. Taiji helps her calm her nerves and relieve stress. Whenever she feels overexerted, taiji keeps her grounded and balanced. These have made a huge impact on her life and remain an essential part of who she is.
Mariella Brayton是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市林肯高中的四年级高中学生。她在美国武术中心跟随高佳敏师傅训练十二年,并参加过国内和国际比赛。作为她高中武术俱乐部的领导,她在推动太极拳和中国文化在社区中的影响力方面发挥了重要作用。Mariella练杨式和吴式太极拳,也练峨眉刺和查拳。
作为美国武术队队员,她去过中国峨眉山三次,参加第七届、第八届和第九届世界传统武术锦标赛,和在2023年比赛吴式太极拳和峨眉刺得到两枚金牌。她在美国地区和全国锦标赛上总共赢得了 50 多枚金、银、铜牌。2023年,她在Golden State International Wushu Championships赢得了太极全能总冠军。
Mariella打算上大学以后继续训练太极和武术。 太极帮助她平静神经、缓解压力。 她每次感到用力过度时,太极拳会让她保持平衡。 这些对她的生活产生了巨大的影响,并且仍然是她的重要组成部分。