Dr. Zhu is a professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. An internationally known scholar in Kinesmetrics (Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology), Dr. Zhu’s primary research interests are in the study and application of new measurement theories and statistical models/methods to the field of Kinesiology, especially in youth physical fitness, the impact of body-mind exercises on health, physical activity/inactivity and public health and exercise prescription. He has published more than 100 SCI/SSCI journal articles and his research was well supported by external grants, including NIH and RWJF. He was the editor-in-chief of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, one of the most respected research journals in Kinesiology, and was the associate editors of Journal of Physical Activity and Health and Frontiers in Physiology. He is an active fellow of the US National Academy of Kinesiology, American College of Sports Medicine, and Research Consortium of SHAPE America. He was a member of the Scientific Board of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports between 2005 and 2008, and a panel member of “Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth,” Institute of Medicine in 2011, and has served on the FITNESSGRAM Advisory Committee since 2002. Dr. Zhu has been very active to study and promote Tai Chi and Qigong and has published “Tai Chi Illustrated: For Greater Balance, Relaxation, and Health” with Master Qiu. Dr. Zhu received the M&E Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest award in Kinesmetrics, from SHAPE America in 2020.
朱为模院士,美国人体运动学科学院(National Academy of Kinesiology, 仅限160人)院士,美国伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)终身教授,博士生导师。朱为模院士是运动健康测量与评价领域的国际知名学者,在SCI和SSCI杂志上发表科研论文100多篇并曾担任美国体育测量与评价协会主席(1997-1999年),美国总统体质与竞技体育委员会(Scientific Board of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports)科学顾问(2003—2006年)。2012-2018年间任美国著名《锻炼与运动研究季刊》(Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports)主编。朱院士还担任过美国《体力活动与健康期刊》(Journal of Physical Activity and Health)《生理前沿》(Frontiers in Physiology)副主编,并现任10多本英文体育杂志的编委。朱教授的研究得到许多基金的资助,包括美国国家卫生研究所(NIH)和约翰逊基金会(RWJF)。他是美国运动医学协会和美国健康教育体育休闲舞蹈学会研究院的资深研究员,也是世界著名的青少年体质和健康研究的专家之一。自2002年以来就一直担任现为美国国家健康体质测验“FITNESSGRAM”的科学顾问。多年来朱院士还通过自身的教学和邀请国内专家的多种形式对太极拳和气功积极推广,并与上海体育学院邱丕相教授合著英文太极拳介绍一书“Tai Chi illustrated: For greater balance, relaxation, and health《太极图解:改善平衡,放松与健康》,由国际著名体育出版社——美国人体运动出版社(Human Kinetics)出版并已全球发行。朱院士目前科研的重点为体育锻炼,尤其是东西方有氧运动, 对健康促进和疾病防治的作用。他和澳大利亚著名学者Neville Owen主编的“Sedentary Behavior and Health”《久坐与健康》一书最近也由美国人体运动出版社出版并已全球发行。面对新型冠状病毒肺炎的疫情,朱院士团队急疫情所急,在很短的时间里就编创了《抗疫健身操》一书和视频。在人民体育出版社和新华社的全力支持下,《抗疫健身操》一书和视频于2020年2月17日推出,不到24小时就被浏览超过百万次。朱院士在2020年获得体育测量与评价终身奖。Clubtaichi@yahoo.com