Marshall Brayton is a first-year high school student at Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon, USA. He has been training in wushu and taiji for seven years and competes both nationally and internationally. Marshall competes in Baji quan, Qimei gun, and various Yang style taijiquan and taiji jian forms. He has been part of the USA Kungfu Team since 2018.
At the 2023 Pan American Championships, Marshall earned four gold medals for: 24 Simplified 24 Taijiquan, New Yang Style Taijiquan, 32 Taiji Straight Sword, and New Yang Style Taiji Straight Sword. At the 2023 9th World Kungfu Championships in Emeishan China, Marshall earned a silver and a bronze medal. Other competitions include the 8th World Kungfu Championships, Japan Kung Fu International Championships, Golden State International Wushu Championships, Tiger Claw, and many other competitions in the USA. He has achieved over 30 medals.
Marshall feels fortunate to have started training in taiji from a young age, and envisions continuing his training for the rest of his life.
Marshall Brayton是美国俄勒冈州波特兰市林肯高中的一年级学生。 他练了武术和太极拳七年,并参加过国内和国际比赛。 Marshall参加八级拳、齐眉棍以及各种杨式太极拳和太极剑的比赛。从 2018 年以来,他一直是美国功夫队的一员。
在2023年泛美锦标赛上,Marshall获得了四枚金牌:24式太极拳、新杨式太极拳、32式太极剑和新杨式太极剑。 在2023年中国峨眉山举行的第九届世界传统武术锦标赛上,Marshall获得了银牌和铜牌。 其他比赛还包括第八届世界传统武术锦标赛、日本功夫国际锦标赛、Golden State International Wushu Championships、Tiger Claw等。 他获得了 30 多枚奖牌。